Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Can you see her? Over on the right side of the page>>>>>>>  Waiting patiently by the door, as I go down to the lake to see just how many birds have arrived.  The population of the lake is growing, as the weather stays cold and they have no where to go.  I cannot take photos of them, as they are very skittish and hyper and the light is really bad.  We have Canada Geese, wild and tame, Mallard Ducks, and the new ones are either Buffleheads or Hooded Mergansers, more likely the former.  It is hard to see the last group, as they either fly away or dive under the water.  I have never seen these before. There are many more out of the shot. 

  Anyway, I just wanted to show you, that, I cannot, leave, the, house, without, someone, waiting, for me, to return, quickly, because it is time to eat or she wants an ice cube in her water, or her blanket is wrinkled, or her little friend is in the way......such a brat cat she is.

Wish you could hear the noise they make as they come in....poor things.  I hope they are finding enough to eat.  It is impossible to feed such a large group of wild birds.  Really, it is, or I would be doing so. They must do what "comes natural" and I must not interfere.......

Hooded MerganserBufflehead.

Here endeth our bird lesson for today.....

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That Hooded Merganser looks like the extinct dodo bird! It's almost as cold down there as it is up here from whence they've flown - although the jump from -20 windchill to -5, IS quite a jump, so I suppose it benefits them. Don't worry about the Canada Geese. They know what they're doing. But I wonder where those Mergansers are coming from? If it's from the south, then it's worrying; if from the north (but I've never seen anything like them), then not so upsetting, 'cos it's too cold for them. Maybe you could zoom in on them and give us a gander (no pun intended).
